Monday, April 7, 2008


Rent (2005) DVD Widescreen. I was in choir in high school where it was considered sac religious not to be obsessed with Rent. This movie is really cool but I got the cheaper of two dvd options so it doesn't have any special features.

Foul Play

Foul Play (1978) DVD Widescreen. Goldie Hawn, Chevy Chase. Bought this for 7 dollars at work. Can't beat that! My parents owned the VHS and it is the strangest movie but it's really funny too.

Last Viewed: 2/13/08

A Little Princess/ The Secret Garden

A Little Princess/ The Secret Garden (1995, 1993) DVD Widescreen. Bought this in a buy 2 get the 3rd free promotion at work. I loved both of these as a kid and I'm not ashamed to admit that I still do.

Last Viewed (Secret Garden) 3/2/08

Factory Girl

Factory Girl (2006) DVD Widescreen. Sienna Miller, Hayden Christensen. I bought this movie before I had ever seen it because it didn't have wide release but I was really interested in it. I seem to be the only one of my friends that likes it.


Gypsy (1993) DVD Widescreen. I'm pretty sure I watched this on TV when it first aired. My mom loved in and I guess she passed that on.

Last viewed: 3/12/08

Moulin Rouge

Moulin Rouge (2001) DVD Widescreen. Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor. I love to sing along to this movie and it has really cool features on the dvd about the making of the movie.

Sleepless in Seattle

Sleepless in Seattle (1993) DVD "Special Edition" Meg Ryan, Tom Hanks
I LOVE Sleepless in Seattle. Saw this at Target a couple of years back and bought it on the cheap.

My Database Project

In an attempt to get some organization in my life, I'm creating a blog for my movies. Pretty much what I'm going to do is create a post for every movie I have with a little information about it (year, format etc.) Every time I watch one of my movies, I will edit my post to reflect that. This way I can keep track of what movies I've seen lately. Also, I'm going to enable my comments so that friends can request to borrow one of my movies. Enabling comments allows me to receive an e-mail every time a friend makes a request. Then, I can go in to edit the post again to show the day I lent to movie to them so I can keep track of where my movies are and how long they've been there. All the images are the actual movie sleeves that I scanned myself. I tried to make them large enough that you can read the info on the back, but some are a little small.